Her expertise:
Dr. Amy Marshall is a Nurse Practitioner with her Doctorate in Thyroid Studies. She has over 20 years of experience in integrative medicine and wholistic health, over 5000 in-person and remote sessions across the globe, from celebrities to CEOs. Working along side Dr. Jerry Tennant, she now includes Soul Medicine, working upstream in the higher realms with Shamanic Sound healing, Biogeometry, and Biofield Tuning."
We are slowed down sound and light waves, a walking bundle of frequencies tuned into the cosmos. We are souls dressed up in sacred biochemical garments and our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music.
~ Albert Einstein
What She Offers:
Shamanic Sound Session
Remove Energetic Blockages/ Creating Stillness and Peace
Releasing the trauma of the past whether yours or from your ancestors, collective traumas and imprints.
Transmuting old stories that we hold dear into a clean canvas to shift focus to alignment
Biogeometry Personal and Home Energy Balancing Services
Remote and in person. Balancing bedrooms to lands to personal energy space.
Who Is She?
Dr. Amy Marshall is a Health Care practitioner, lecturer, author, researcher, teacher, and musician working in integrative. She has been in the wholistic health field for over 20 years and treats patients in person and remotely around the world. She has worked with celebrities and professional athletes, and CEO's of many top corporations in America.
Her focus is energy medicine and sound healing, as these modalities work upstream from the physical body. Supporting the physical body is necessary at times. Using these modalities not only to work with patients individually to help heal and to see their lives improve, but through her classes online, she hopes to empower mothers, fathers, children, spouses, CEOs, to lift up those they love and work with if they choose. “We elevate conciousness and coherence together.”
New Euphoralite Offering! Stones for Higher Consciousness
This voltage donor stone has many variations and is a significant ion donor wherever you use it - on the body or in the space. This stone assists in correcting polarities of the meridians and assists in mineral balance when used long term.
This is an awakening stone to higher consciousness and is ideal for mediation by holding in each hand.
This new stone from South Dakota has not been heat treated or gamma irradiated.

SOUL HEALING: Unlock Your Mind, Body & Soul To Find The Freedom To Fulfill Your Soul’s Purpose.
Using Scalar Sound Therapy to bring you back to your Powerful and Peaceful Present
Delivering hope and healing using energy medicine and sound healing to individuals and families around the globe when hope is hard to find. Western Medicine has yet to succeed in chronic disease states. Emotions contribute significantly to chronic disease states as an energy drain on the body. Combining Eastern and Western Medicine, Dr. Amy Marshall can bring you wellness through sound and light.
This energetic scalar energy modality integrates the paradigm of energy through light and sound, Biogeometry, frequency, and intention. This method harmonizes the emotional static on the physical, emotional, mental and most importantly, the spiritual planes of the human. This emotional static from difficult life experiences can be identified and harmonized so that emotions are no longer an energy drain on your subtle bodies.
“My focus is not only to work with patients individually but also through my online classes, it is time for me to empower anyone who desires, anywhere, with these added skills needed to improve their health and the health of their loved ones.” - Dr. Amy Marshall
In addition, addressing the root cause of many disease states is the process for all of her energetic consults online.